In some cases, you may request extensive care around the clock to make sure your loved one is always safe and cared for. Overnight and Live-in care are two options we offer for seniors and adults with injuries or illnesses. Our overnight and live-in care services are customized for clients and their families. With overnight care, a caregiver comes by the house to provide a few hours of care before bed and in the morning yet remains at the house throughout that period. In addition to providing homemaking and companionship services, overnight caregivers can provide several personal care services including bathing, dressing, grooming, skincare, repositioning if bed-bound, fall prevention, changing adult briefs, perineal care and more.
Live-in home care means that a caregiver lives in your home, either longer-term or for a short period, to help with anything from spontaneous needs to planned outings or if it has become apparent that your loved one needs more constant care. Many live-in caregivers drive and can accompany your loved one to appointments or go grocery shopping. If you prefer, a caregiver can drive your car or their own. Allow Better Together to assist your family on a 24-hour daily basis so that you can rest assure that your loved one is in good hands.
If you are a family caregiver, you know that a poor night’s rest can affect health. Live-in caregivers are entitled to 8 hours of sleep, so if the needs are too great to accommodate sleep, you might choose traditional 24-hour care (around the clock care) so there is a caregiver awake at all times. This 24-hour traditional care means that several caregivers rotate shifts (typically 8 hours at a time) so that someone is always awake and alert to help your loved one.